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As a child I knew my passion would always be in fashion. It started with my fascination for shoes and the way they’re constructed. Over the years this passion made its way to clothing. 


Starting with taking pieces from my closet and finding ways to rework them and make them work for several outfits to later learning to sew and making cut and sew pieces. 


I draw influence from my family, peers, lifestyle and island culture. It is important to me that these aspects are always integrated into my designs because they are a reflection of me, of us and of the times we’re living in. 


Those closest to me have always described me as quiet but calculated. Unpredictable. This is where I got the idea to name my brand YLDCRD. Never knowing what’s in store drives me to create. To think out the box. YLDCRD will feature 1:1 upcycled pieces, original cut and sew, graphic tees.. and everything in between. 


I dedicate this to the outlaws. The undecided. The unruly. The loud. The quiet. To whoever and whatever you want to be, this one’s for you.




Lailah Marley

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